The residents
The stopovers
Qui sommes-nous
Contexts The residents The stopovers Qui sommes-nous

Thorsten Streichardt

France, 1995

Storm Residency #16
A residency that shifts perspectives, set in an isolated territory swept by winds and waves.

June 2015

Observation Trip, June 2015

“What do you see when you look at the sea?”

A cruise aboard the Sémaphore du Créac’h. The windows are obscured with paper. The captain lets himself be carried by the sound of the waves breaking. The pencil floats with the sound waves of the sea, sometimes swimming against the current or diving into the light gray of its traces. Images arrive as they pass.

4:05.523 Monday, June 8, 2015, 5:34 PM, our position is 48˚ 27’ 33” N, 5˚ 7’ 50” W.
4:37.916 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Thorsten Streichardt, I am the captain of the Sémaphore du Créac’h, welcome aboard. Our cruise will take us through the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, the Caspian Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean, the Bering Sea, the Baltic Sea, and the North Sea, to paradisiacal stops, historic sites, passing through conflict zones, seaside resorts, and famous shipwreck sites. The water temperature is 12°C, the wind is blowing at force 5, the view is clear. We are casting off. I wish you a very pleasant journey.
15:45.646 So much driftwood around us…
22:09.737 We greet the cyclists at the harbor.
32:15.833 Ah, we are taking calmer channels.
37:17.689 Hot drinks are waiting for you in the kitchen.
40:53.779 We can no longer see the shore – the radar is on.
43:28.554 Hmm, we just brushed past a reef.
45:26.813 Are those seagulls?
49:07.219 The wind has calmed down.
56:56.681 There’s a rock over there.
58:51.503 The remains of a Viking ship.
1:01:05.651 I hear a strange noise…
1:01:43.928 Look, a seal colony.
1:06:05.004 Haven’t we already passed by here – are we going in circles?
1:08:24.663 Those were definitely seagulls. But strangely, I don’t hear the sound of the engine.
1:19:10.534 I could watch, for hours, the way the bow of the boat cuts through the sea.
1:23:51.192 What’s going on in the hold? I hope the cargo is securely fastened.
1:26:36.869 I need to drink something.
1:29:13.020 It’s slowly cooling down on deck.
1:43:19.449 The radar is dented.
1:50:19.861 It’s not easy to catch the wind with this radar.
1:58:04.679 Oh, a shark!
2:00:29.135 The sun is slowly setting.
2:04:06.198 We are probably being tracked by many radars right now.
2:04:47.672 Tuesday, June 9, 2015. It’s sunny, the temperature is 13°C. The wind is gusting at Force 8 from the Northwest. The water temperature is 13°C.
2:05:14.690 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This is the captain speaking. Our position is 48˚ 27’ 33” N, 5˚ 7’ 50” W. Soon, we will reach the first stop, the Cayman Islands, where we will receive a very warm welcome. Currently, our cargo ship is traveling at 126 knots. We will reach the port of Georgetown in approximately 2 hours.
2:15:08.629 For your safety, all exits must remain closed.
2:24:32.406 Mmh, a big fish.
2:25:48.183 Or maybe just a small one?
2:27:52.591 Today, there’s nothing to see on the radar.
2:32:59.008 Our course is fluctuating strongly.
2:35:22.030 We need to slightly adjust our route.
2:40:53.117 Oh, we should be as free as merchandise in international waters.
2:42:31.909 Here, I’m willingly drifting with the waves.
2:50:59.899 It’s wonderful how everything works and falls into place naturally without us needing to intervene.
2:55:05.331 Now, let’s be a bit more efficient…
2:56:54.039 From here, we can clearly see the currents and their circulation.
3:00:20.738 Will the wind be calmer today?
3:01:22.798 Over there, a fishing boat!
3:03:56.631 Hmm
3:04:34.503 Here’s a good financial spot.
3:10:46.344 What’s floating on the surface of the water? It looks like an amphora.
3:19:38.068 We’re picking up speed.
3:23:13.145 By the way, the amphora was empty.
3:32:34.456 Ah, the first sandbanks of the Cayman Islands are already here.
3:37:01.902 I wonder if this radar can find something in another radar.
3:37:34.418 With this wind, the sea is furious.
3:40:50.618 One transaction after another.
3:41:01.706 It works to the millisecond.
3:43:14.839 With the lighthouse’s light, we can’t see anything at all.
3:44:21.130 Now, I’m just letting myself drift.
3:46:36.740 It’s still the shark from yesterday.
3:47:39.139 Wednesday, June 10, 2015. We leave the port of Georgetown at 8:15 PM. The wind has increased, it has a sensational yield of 13%. Please refer to our general terms and conditions and keep all exits closed. You are kindly asked to relax and enjoy the beautiful view while, for example, tasting one of our Greek wines. You can find our full offer at “L’Amphore”, our onboard cellar. Our next destination will be the nineteenth century.
3:54:32.331 But it was very belligerent.
3:55:59.939 Hmm, the first trouble already.
4:08:38.803 A vigorously contested century.
4:09:31.886 But also diplomatic.
4:10:33.655 And administrative, administrative.
4:14:18.755 I hear footsteps.
4:20:19.189 It’s good to define everything contractually.
4:30:20.961 There are still terra incognita.
4:30:42.153 White spots on the paper.
4:43:14.044 Do I hear music?
4:43:30.715 Are those songs?
4:43:50.178 Yes, there, over there…
4:48:29.143 But there is no… there’s nothing.
4:53:01.700 With perseverance, we will reach the goal.
4:53:43.732 And with serenity.
5:04:44.041 Now it’s raining for the first time.
5:07:42.818 A possessive pronoun?
5:19:27.019 Or just the hand of a dead person.
5:26:10.766 I don’t know what to do anymore. Am I lost?
5:26:32.577 Ah no, we are following the right course.
5:30:09.290 The wind is carrying us well – full sails.
5:51:08.343 Thursday, June 11, 1520. I think we’ve passed our goal, the nineteenth century. We are sailing along an unknown coast.
5:52:16.036 This is the captain speaking. Unfortunately, the onboard instruments are no longer responding. But we will soon find the cause and get back on track. Thank you for your trust.
5:59:39.823 How much longer until the new pattern emerges?
6:00:05.919 I don’t see it, but it’s not surprising with this fog.
6:04:20.725 Where is the horizon?
6:04:47.989 It can’t be far.
6:09:20.088 Another rock barely emerging from the water.
6:09:34.499 Is that already the continent?
6:09:44.392 I could give it my name…
6:11:13.468 Is it the Vasco Bamada vessel?
6:11:24.259 Or what’s left of it?
6:13:26.678 We are orienting ourselves with the horizon only – nothing else.
6:14:03.924 I can no longer see my pencil…
6:14:16.266 And even less the stars.
6:15:14.759 Fortunately, there are many candles onboard.
6:23:58.918 I hope we have enough pillars and coats of arms.
6:29:26.438 I don’t know if we will ever arrive. But maybe that’s not so important.
6:31:22.382 Here, there are two horizons. How is that possible?
6:40:52.416 No, we can’t stay here.
6:41:08.797 Not here either.
6:53:56.940 Friday, June 12, 2015. It is 10:38 AM. The position of the Sémaphore du Créac’h today is 48˚ 27’ 33” N, 5˚ 7’ 50” W. The weather is foggy and the temperature is mild, 14°C. No wind. Since we successfully passed Tierra del Fuego, we are no longer moving, it’s dead calm. Our arrival in the Moluccas will be delayed by about 80 days. Thank you for your understanding.
7:54:51.288 An amphora where the handle grips the inside – I’ve never seen that before.
8:11:14.063 Do I hear sirens?
8:15:00.748 Someone is there…
8:28:23.097 Hmm, your skeleton is interesting. I definitely need an X-ray – if not the original!
8:34:21.085 June 14, 2015, 5:12 AM. What am I going to tell the passengers? Last night, the engine broke down. If we stick to the satellite constellation, we are sailing along the Philippines. All the spices are slowly abandoning us.
8:40:07.286 Do we have radio contact?
8:50:57.246 A beautiful fine sandy beach…
8:54:02.966 Who still needs radar today?
8:58:25.070 Hmm, we need a bit more serenity.
9:02:07.272 [Ring, ring…] Fortunately, the cell phone still works. We have network.
9:36:47.867 The mouth/m[ts1] jaw wide open. The mouth wide open!
9:41:45.428 I hope we won’t run aground – like the Olympic Bravery in 1976.
9:49:55.549 No ship in sight.
9:50:30.207 No land either!
9:54:23.354 We can’t see the most dangerous currents.
10:05:22.968 It’s the transitions that matter. The mouth of a snake or sea monster. Any idea?
10:26:02.352 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s Monday, June 15, 1984. Our last radar has been placed into service. The air temperature is 9°C. The wind is calm, but very strong. There are a few rays of sunshine. Thank you for your attention. The clock is ticking.
June 15, 1984.
Our luxury raft is sailing at a speed of 4G towards the Cape of Good Hope. Our ICT specialists aboard the Semaphore du Créac’h have created your personal rescue profiles to organize our common shipwreck in the most equitable and enjoyable way possible. Please ensure that your phones are properly connected and turned on.

Is the entire sea wired?

Another air rescue?

Fiber optics…

Or is it electronic waste?

We have to wait.

Dear passengers, the Semaphore du Créac’h is fortunate to count on the help of the ferrymen to guide us to the safe port at the Cape. Upon disembarkation, please be prepared to donate valuables to fund the retirement funds of their associations. As soon as the technicians have repaired the engines and machines, we will resume our journey. Thank you.

If only I had oil paints.

To be as light and expansive as a sail.

All we need is a sunset.

More interference, we need to adjust the radar.

There’s really no reason to laugh – or maybe just a little.

A steamship!

He’s back again, the dead one.

Wednesday, June 17, 18:30. Our position is: 48° 27’ 33” N, 5° 7’ 50” W. The fog is thick, with a visibility distance of 80 cm. Dear customers, after a brief stop, we continue our journey of discovery. Please place your untaxed goods in the quarantine zone. It is located in the virtual container on deck Q-10. – One more suggestion: at Sunset, your solarium, a romantic evening awaits you.

Finally, the sea is stirring a bit…

That one sleeps like a stone.

Across this vast expanse, the devices are not performing well.

The radar is way too fast.

With my imagination, I don’t want to follow it.

Performance at the Musée des Phare et Balises of the Island of Ouessant on May 21, 2017.

Two years earlier, during the residency, the windows of the Semaphore du Créac’h had been covered with paper. The outside sounds of the wind and the sea had been amplified inside the watchroom. The drawing was accompanied by the sounds of the coast, the pencil, and the voice of the captain.
For his performance, Voyage de veille, Thorsten Streichardt continues his drawing made at the semaphore. The arrangement of the sheets of paper mirrors the placement of the windows in the watchroom. A soundtrack plays recordings of the sea. The sound of the pencil is amplified. The artist continues his narrative, this time involving the museum visitors.
This maritime story of power and violence is not over…